Gutter Replacement: 3 Signs You Should Install New Gutters on Your Roof

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Hello there! I'm glad you dropped by. As the manager of a body corporate agency, I deal with a range of problems every day. Unwanted pests and burst drains are everyday occurrences. Sometimes, there are more unusual situations. Once, I had to deal with a tenant who was keeping a horse in his fourth-story unit! The most common problems I face are related to roofs as poorly-maintained roofs can cause leaks, fires and flying debris. Since I am always encouraging body corporates to maintain, repair or replace roofs before major hassles occur, I have become a bit of a roofing encyclopaedia. I can speak with reasonable knowledge about the best materials, techniques and tradespeople in the industry. I thought others out there might be seeking information about roofing repairs and benefit from my know-how. I hope these entries prove helpful. May you always stay dry!

Gutter Replacement: 3 Signs You Should Install New Gutters on Your Roof

30 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Well-maintained and high-quality gutters play a critical role in protecting the roof structure and the entire property from water damage. Furthermore, they help you conserve rainwater that would otherwise get wasted. Typically, gutters are durable, but a time comes when you should replace them with new and effective ones. One of the reasons for gutter replacement is old age. Replacing your old gutters is important in maintaining your roof in good shape. Apart from old age, there are other signs you might need to install new gutters on your roof, which include the following.

Sagging of Some Sections of the Gutters

One of the main signs that your gutters require a replacement is sagging or pulling away from the house. The sagging often suggests pooling of water inside the gutters. Debris might also collect in the gutters and lead to sagging. When the weight inside your gutters is too much to bear, they will begin to sag and pull away. If left unchecked, sagging gutters can fall from the house completely. If you see a slow water movement in the gutters during a heavy downpour, you might be dealing with a sagging problem. In that case, the best solution is to hire experienced roofers to replace the affected gutters with new ones to ensure the proper flow of water.

Peeling House Paint and Coating

If you see patches of missing paint on your home's exterior walls, it is time for gutter replacement. Gutters prevent water from reaching the walls of your house. However, due to wear and tear, gutters may crack, causing water to pour onto the walls. When the walls absorb water, the paint may start to flake off. To avoid this, you should schedule an appointment with a roofing repair and gutter installation expert to replace the faulty gutters.

Mould Growth and Dirt in the Foundation

If you notice splash marks on your home's foundation, rainwater could be escaping the gutters when it is raining. Another sign of gutter damage is the growth of mould or mildew on the bottom areas of the walls, both inside and outside the house. The two signs indicate that water is overflowing or leaking from the gutters. To avoid further damage, you need to contact a roofing and gutter expert to diagnose the problem and provide the necessary solution.

Gutters are essential in protecting your home from water damage. As such, make sure that you inspect all the gutters around your house regularly to check for signs of damage requiring gutter replacement. If you detect any of the mentioned symptoms, it is advisable to book an appointment with an experienced roofing expert to get your gutters replaced.

To learn more, reach out to a gutter replacement service today.