5 Considerations Before a Skylight Installation

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5 Considerations Before a Skylight Installation

13 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Skylights can open up a room, providing natural light and a view of the sky. There are a few decisions to make before installing a skylight in your home. 

1. Space Constraints

Ceiling space is the first thing to look at. Keep in mind that more than the size of the ceiling and room impacts the skylight, as it must be sized so it doesn't interfere with hidden components in the ceiling such as wiring, ductwork and support structures. A full window-style skylight can be used in larger spaces, while small solar tubes may be necessary for smaller ones. 

2. Ventilation Needs

Would you like to add more ventilation to a room? If so, then look into the skylight options that allow you to open the glass for increased air circulation or to let hot air out of a room. Make sure that the ventilation control type is easy to use from the ground, as you don't want to break out a ladder every time the ventilation needs to be adjusted. 

3. Basic Shape

Skylights come in a range of shapes as well as sizes. Standard rectangles and squares are available, of course, but you can also find round, hexagonal, and other custom shapes. While the rectangular shapes are popular for their traditional look, small round skylights take up less space in small spaces. Round and hexagonal skylights can also add a whimsical touch to the look of a room if desired. 

4. Positioning

The ideal position will provide good lighting to the room all day but never result in glare from the sun shining directly through it. Your installer can check your home's exposure to the light to help determine the best position for the installation. Skylights, particularly solar tube styles, can be installed at an angle to reduce the chances of glare. The interior of the tube will also feature a reflective surface to help maximise the light regardless of the installation position.

5. Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is a must, as one does need to monitor energy usage for both the money and the environmental costs. Opt for skylights with insulated double-pane construction to help increase efficiency. Insulated frames are also a good investment. There are also varieties that are treated to reduce UV rays coming through, which is both more energy-efficient and healthier for those below the skylight.

Contact a skylight installation service to learn more about the available options.